1. Почеток
- 1.1 За верзиска контрола
- 1.2 Кратка историја на Git
- 1.3 Основи на Гит
- 1.4 Командната линија
- 1.5 Инсталирање на Git
- 1.6 First-Time Git Setup
- 1.7 Getting Help
- 1.8 Заклучок
2. Основите на Git
3. Гранење во Git
- 3.1 Гранење објаснето
- 3.2 Основно разгранување и спојување
- 3.3 Branch Management
- 3.4 Работни процеси
- 3.5 Далечински гранки
- 3.6 Ребаза
- 3.7 Заклучок
4. Git на Сервер
- 4.1 Протоколите
- 4.2 Добивање на Git на сервер
- 4.3 Генерирање на вашиот SSH јавен клуч
- 4.4 Поставување на серверот
- 4.5 Гит демон
- 4.6 Smart HTTP
- 4.7 GitWeb
- 4.8 GitLab
- 4.9 Опции за домаќини на трети лица
- 4.10 Заклучок
5. Дистрибуиран Git
- 5.1 Дистрибуирани работни процеси
- 5.2 Придонес кон проект
- 5.3 Приватен мал тим
- 5.4 Одржување на проект
- 5.5 Заклучок
6. GitHub
7. Git Алатки
- 7.1 Revision Selection
- 7.2 Интерактивно стажирање
- 7.3 Stashing and Cleaning
- 7.4 Signing Your Work
- 7.5 Searching
- 7.6 Rewriting History
- 7.7 Reset Demystified
- 7.8 Напредно спојување
- 7.9 Rerere
- 7.10 Дебагирање со Git
- 7.11 Submodules
- 7.12 Збивање
- 7.13 Заменување
- 7.14 Складирање на ингеренции
- 7.15 Заклучок
8. Персонализација на Git
- 8.1 Git Configuration
- 8.2 Git Атрибути
- 8.3 Git Hooks
- 8.4 An Example Git-Enforced Policy
- 8.5 Заклучок
9. Git и други системи
- 9.1 Git како Клиент
- 9.2 Мигрирање кон Git
- 9.3 Заклучок
10. Внатрешноста на Git
- 10.1 Plumbing and Porcelain
- 10.2 Git Objects
- 10.3 Git References
- 10.4 Packfiles
- 10.5 The Refspec
- 10.6 Transfer Protocols
- 10.7 Maintenance and Data Recovery
- 10.8 Environment Variables
- 10.9 Заклучок
A1. Appendix A: Git во други околини
- A1.1 Graphical Interfaces
- A1.2 Git in Visual Studio
- A1.3 Git in Eclipse
- A1.4 Git in Bash
- A1.5 Git in Zsh
- A1.6 Git in Powershell
- A1.7 Заклучок
A2. Appendix B: Вметнување на Git во вашите апликации
- A2.1 Command-line Git
- A2.2 Libgit2
- A2.3 JGit
- A2.4 go-git
A3. Appendix C: Git команди
- A3.1 Setup and Config
- A3.2 Getting and Creating Projects
- A3.3 Basic Snapshotting
- A3.4 Branching and Merging
- A3.5 Sharing and Updating Projects
- A3.6 Inspection and Comparison
- A3.7 Debugging
- A3.8 Patching
- A3.9 Email
- A3.10 External Systems
- A3.11 Administration
- A3.12 Plumbing Commands
A1.5 Appendix A: Git во други околини - Git in Zsh
Git in Zsh
Zsh also ships with a tab-completion library for Git.
To use it, simply run autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
in your .zshrc
Zsh’s interface is a bit more powerful than Bash’s:
$ git che<tab>
check-attr -- display gitattributes information
check-ref-format -- ensure that a reference name is well formed
checkout -- checkout branch or paths to working tree
checkout-index -- copy files from index to working directory
cherry -- find commits not merged upstream
cherry-pick -- apply changes introduced by some existing commits
Ambiguous tab-completions aren’t just listed; they have helpful descriptions, and you can graphically navigate the list by repeatedly hitting tab. This works with Git commands, their arguments, and names of things inside the repository (like refs and remotes), as well as filenames and all the other things Zsh knows how to tab-complete.
Zsh ships with a framework for getting information from version control systems, called vcs_info
To include the branch name in the prompt on the right side, add these lines to your ~/.zshrc
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd_vcs_info() { vcs_info }
precmd_functions+=( precmd_vcs_info )
setopt prompt_subst
# PROMPT=\$vcs_info_msg_0_'%# '
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '%b'
This results in a display of the current branch on the right-hand side of the terminal window, whenever your shell is inside a Git repository. (The left side is supported as well, of course; just uncomment the assignment to PROMPT.) It looks a bit like this:

prompt.For more information on vcs_info, check out its documentation
in the zshcontrib(1)
manual page,
or online at http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/User-Contributions.html#Version-Control-Information.
Instead of vcs_info, you might prefer the prompt customization script that ships with Git, called git-prompt.sh
; see https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh for details.
is compatible with both Bash and Zsh.
Zsh is powerful enough that there are entire frameworks dedicated to making it better. One of them is called "oh-my-zsh", and it can be found at https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh. oh-my-zsh’s plugin system comes with powerful git tab-completion, and it has a variety of prompt "themes", many of which display version-control data. An example of an oh-my-zsh theme. is just one example of what can be done with this system.